Monday, November 14, 2005

The AzPC Mission
by Dave Kaler - State Co-Director

Like our society, the progressive movement benefits from the strength of diversity. The daunting task of unifying that diversity lies before us. It requires a dedication and willingness to share a commitment to the process of creating Alliances with other organizations. It is through these Alliances that we can and will build coalitions to mutually support progressive concepts, issues, candidates and legislation to benefit the greater whole.

The mission of the Arizona Progressive Council (AzPC) includes organizing the building of those Alliances throughout Arizona. We will accomplish this task by establishing Regional Branches throughout the state which can function locally and also be supported by other Branches and Alliances in the state. Collectively these Branches will work on state wide issues, progressive legislation and assist by filling the pipeline with progressive candidates while simultaneously supporting those currently in office.

The rebuilding our nation comes one state at a time. Each success accomplished will further empower the movement as a whole. We have as a nation been lulled into a conservative manger surrounded and filled with fear. The business as usual, moderate status quo has been increasing and we must step out of the box to encourage the masses to wake up and become a participatory democracy.
